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Earth Hour

Aktivitet:CO₂ på skoleveienHovedside Vis resultater
Deltaker:National Highschool of ArtsDeltakerside
Område:National Highschool of Arts (Călărași, Romania)Områdeside

Earth Hour campaign
We learned from internet pages very interesting things about Earth Hour mouvement :
"C40 is a group of the world's largest cities committed to tackling climate change.

Cities have a central role to play in tackling climate change, particularly as they bear a disproportional responsibility for causing it. In fact, cities consume 75 per cent of the world's energy and produce 80 per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why it’s important for cities to work together on this issue.

As Mr David Miller, Mayor of Toronto and chair of the C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group explains, “The C40 Climate Leadership Group is about cities working together to drive down greenhouse gas emissions and that is why as Chair of the C40, I support Earth Hour. It's crucial that cities and the public come together to take action against climate change and Earth Hour provides a great platform to do that."
Adriana Timofte
